WRF-SFIRE user guide
- This guide applies to the code as available from OpenWFM.org and partly also to WRF-Fire, which is a subset available in WRF release. This guide evolves with the software and it complements the technical description in J. Mandel, J. D. Beezley, and A. K. Kochanski, Coupled atmosphere-wildland fire modeling with WRF 3.3 and SFIRE 2011, Geoscientific Model Development (GMD) 4, 591-610, 2011, doi:10.5194/gmd-4-591-2011.
Mailing list
Please consider joining the mailing list wrf-sfire@googlegroups.com, which is monitored by the developers.
- Go to https://googlegroups.com/group/wrf-sfire and log into your google account, orr
- To join without a google account, send any email to wrf-sfire+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
Getting started
Running a real case
- Basics of running a real case
- Acquiring and converting fine-resolution data for Geogrid
- Using GeoTIFF files
Coupling with fuel moisture and smoke
Standalone fire model
This work was partially supported by NSF grants ATM-0835579 and DMS-1216481.