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===Conference papers===
===Conference papers===
* Jonathan Beezley, Mavin Martin, Paul Rosen, Jan Mandel, Adam K. Kochanski, '''Data management and analysis with WRF and SFIRE''', [http://www.igarss12.org/papers/ViewPapers_MS.asp?PaperNum=4033 IGARSS 2012] {{arXiv|1208.1061}}
* Jonathan Beezley, Mavin Martin, Paul Rosen, Jan Mandel, Adam K. Kochanski, '''Data management and analysis with WRF and SFIRE''', Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2012, 5274-5277, 2012 {{doi|10.1109/IGARSS.2012.6352419}} {{arXiv|1208.1061}} [http://www.igarss12.org/papers/ViewPapers_MS.asp?PaperNum=4033 abstract]
* Adam K. Kochanski, Jonathan D. Beezley, Jan Mandel, and Minjeong Kim, '''WRF fire simulation coupled with a fuel moisture model and smoke transport by WRF-Chem''', [http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/events/2012_wrfusers/ 2012 WRF Users Workshop], [http://www.openwfm.org/wiki/File:WRF_workshop_2012_poster.pdf Poster 51] [http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/events/2012_wrfusers/abstracts/p51.htm abstract] {{arXiv|1208.1059}}
* Adam K. Kochanski, Jonathan D. Beezley, Jan Mandel, and Minjeong Kim, '''WRF fire simulation coupled with a fuel moisture model and smoke transport by WRF-Chem''', [http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/events/2012_wrfusers/ 2012 WRF Users Workshop], [http://www.openwfm.org/wiki/File:WRF_workshop_2012_poster.pdf Poster 51] [http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/events/2012_wrfusers/abstracts/p51.htm abstract] {{arXiv|1208.1059}}

Revision as of 02:37, 19 November 2012

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WRF-Fire description

The WRF-Fire code is described in these papers.

Journal papers

  • Jan Mandel, Jonathan D. Beezley, Janice L. Coen, and Minjeong Kim, Data Assimilation for Wildland Fires: Ensemble Kalman filters in coupled atmosphere-surface models, IEEE Control Systems Magazine 29, Issue 3, June 2009, 47-65. doi:10.1109/MCS.2009.932224. Preprint available as arXiv:0712.3965.
  • Coen, J., M. Cameron, J. Michalakes, E. Patton, P. Riggan, and K. Yedinak, 2012: WRF-Fire: Coupled Weather-Wildland Fire Modeling with the Weather Research and Forecasting Model. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol. doi:10.1175/JAMCD-12-023.1, in press.

Conference papers

  • Jonathan D. Beezley, Importing high-resolution datasets into Geogrid, 12th Annual WRF User's Workshop, Boulder, CO, June 2011. pdf local copy poster

Users' guides

  • For the earlier version included in WRF release: Wang, W., Bruyere, C., Duda, M., Dudhia, J., Gill, D., Lin, H.C., Michalakes, J., Rizvi, S., Zhang, X., Beezley, J.D., Coen, J.L., Mandel, J. ARW version 3 modeling system user’s guide. Mesoscale & Miscroscale Meteorology Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research (July 2010, last updated January 2012)

Other WRF-Fire publications, applications, case studies

These publications deal with various aspects related to WRF-Fire, or report on its use and specific simulations.

Journal papers

  • Adam K. Kochanski, Mary Ann Jenkins, Steven K. Krueger, Jan Mandel, Jonathan D. Beezley, Real time simulation of 2007 Santa Ana fires, submitted. arXiv:1202.3209, 2012
  • Adam K. Kochanski, Mary Ann Jenkins, Jan Mandel, Jonathan D. Beezley, Craig B. Clements, Steven Krueger, Evaluation of WRF-Sfire Performance with Field Observations from the FireFlux experiment, submitted. arXiv:1206.3345, 2012


  • Nina Dobrinkova, Information systems for simulating the behavior of forest and field fires, PhD Thesis, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2012

Conference papers

  • Nina Dobrinkova, Stefka Fidanova, Ivan Dimov, Krasimir Atanasov, and Jan Mandel, Game-Method Model And WRF-Fire Model Working Together, in Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, A. Sabelfeld and I. Dimov, eds., De Gruyter, Berlin, in print.
  • Jan Mandel, J.D. Beezley, A. K. Kochanski, V. Y. Kondratenko, and M. Kim, Assimilation of Perimeter Data and Coupling with Fuel Moisture in a Wildland Fire - Atmosphere DDDAS, ICCS 2012, Procedia Computer Science 9, 2012, 1100-1109
  • Kondratenko, Volodymyr Y., Jonathan D. Beezley, Adam K. Kochanski, and Jan Mandel, Ignition from a Fire Perimeter in a WRF Wildland Fire Model, 12th Annual WRF User's Workshop, Boulder, CO, June 2011. pdf arXiv:1107.2675 presentation
  • Nina Dobrinkova, Georgi Jordanov, and Jan Mandel, WRF-Fire Applied in Bulgaria, Numerical Methods and Applications, I. Dimov, S. Dimova, and N. Kolkovska, eds., Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6046, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 133-140. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Numerical Methods and Applications - NM&A'10, August 20 - 24, 2010, Borovets, Bulgaria. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-18466-6_15. Preprint arXiv:1007.5347, July 2010.
  • Janice L. Coen and Craig C. Douglas, Computational Modeling of Large Wildfires: A Roadmap., 9th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering & Science. Accepted. preprint


  • Adam K. Kochanski, S. K. Krueger , M. A. Jenkins, J. Mandel and J. D. Beezley, Real time simulation of 2007 Santa Ana fires, Exploring the Mega-fire Reality 2011.
  • Jan Mandel, Jonathan D. Beezley, Adam K. Kochanski, Volodymyr Y. Kondratenko, Bedrich Sousedik, Erik Anderson, and Joel Daniels, Wildland fire simulation by WRF-Fire, AGU Fall Meeting, 2010
  • Kara Yedinak, Brian Lamb, Janice Coen, Sensitivity Analyses of Ignition Area and Fire-Atmosphere Dynamics using WRF-FIRE, 8th Symposium on Fire & Forest Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Kalispell. Oct 13-15, 2009.


Other publications from this project

Here are publications and presentations, not dealing directly with the WRF-Fire code.
  • Jonathan D. Beezley, Jan Mandel, and Loren Cobb, Wavelet Ensemble Kalman Filters, Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS'2011), Prague, September 15-17, 2011, 514-518, 2011
  • A.N.M. I. Choudhury and P. Rosen. Cache ensemble analysis for understanding algorithmic memory performance. In submission to IEEE Computer, 2012.
  • Janice L. Coen and Craig C. Douglas, Computational Modeling of Large Wildfires: A Roadmap., 9th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering & Science. Accepted. preprint
  • Janice Coen, Some new basics of fire behavior, Fire Management Today, In Press. pdf
  • Janice Coen, 2010: Dry lightning. Southern California Fire Journal, Spring 2010, 18-23.
  • Janice Coen, 2008: Deadly fingers of flame. Southern California Fire Journal. 1(1):5-6.
  • Jonathan D. Beezley and Jan Mandel, Morphing Ensemble Kalman Filters, Tellus 60A, 131-140, 2008 arXiv:0705.3693
  • C. Yang, I. Jensen, P. Rosen. A Multiscale Approach to Network Event Identification using Geolocated Twitter Data. In submission to IMC Workshop on Internet Visualization, 2012.

Earlier publications (before 2008)

Here are some related publications and presentations from our previous work.
  • Jan Mandel, Jonathan D. Beezley, Lynn S. Bennethum, Soham Chakraborty, Janice L. Coen, Craig C. Douglas, Jay Hatcher, Minjeong Kim, and Anthony Vodacek, A Dynamic Data Driven Wildland Fire Model, ICCS 2007, Part I, Yong Shi, G. D. van Albada, P. M. A. Sloot and J. J. Dongarra (Eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4487, 1042--1049, Springer, 2007. Presentation
  • Jan Mandel, Lynn S. Bennethum, Mingshi Chen, Janice L. Coen, Craig C. Douglas, Leopoldo P. Franca, Craig J. Johns, Minjeong Kim, Andrew V. Knyazev, Robert Kremens, Vaibhav Kulkarni, Guan Qin, Anthony Vodacek, Jianjia Wu, Wei Zhao, and Adam Zornes, Towards a Dynamic Data Driven Application System for Wildfire Simulation V.S. Sunderam et al. (Eds.): Computational Science - Proceedings ICCS'2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3515, pp. 632-639, 2005.
  • Craig C. Douglas, Jonathan D. Beezley, Janice Coen, Deng Li, Wei Li, Alan K. Mandel, Jan Mandel, Guan Qin, and Anthony Vodacek, Demonstrating the Validity of Wildfire DDDAS, Computational Science - ICCS 2006: 6th International Conference, Reading, UK, May 28-31, 2006, Proceedings, Part III, Vassil N. Alexandrov, Dick van Albada, Dick Geert and Peter M. A. Sloot and Jack Dongarra (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3993, Springer 2006, pp. 522-529.
  • J. Mandel, M. Chen, L.P. Franca, C. Johns, A. Puhalskii, J.L. Coen, C.C. Douglas, R. Kremens, A. Vodacek, W. Zhao, A Note on Dynamic Data Driven Wildfire Modeling, Computational Science - Proceedings ICCS'2004, vol. III, edited by Marian Bubak, G.Dick van Albada, Peter M.A. Sloot, Jack J. Dongarra, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3038, Springer, pp. 725-731. Copyright Springer 2004. book, PDF 150K

See also