Fuel moisture model pull request final changes 2020
This page is mirrored by hand at https://github.com/openwfm/WRF-Fire-merge/wiki/Fuel-moisture-model-pull-request-final-changes-2020
Last changes for https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/pull/792
Fuel moisture model not activated should not change results on fire problems DONE
Comparing https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/pull/792#issuecomment-582070283 46b548370c9eff7c9 (right after merge develop at 33bf83c664426b2674) with the develop branch at 33bf83c664426b2674
Using same input files in test/em_fire and test/em_fire/two_fires. The fuel moisture flags are missing thus at defaults values.
configure -d, 13, nesting 1
- /glade/work/jmandel/merge/WRF-Fire-merge-with-develop branch fuel_moisture_model at 46b548370c9eff7c9a8
- /glade/work/jmandel/merge/WRF-Fire-merge-develop branch develop at 33bf83c664426b267452
ncdiff test/em_fire/wrfout_d01_2006-01-01_09:06:00 OK (the default simple_hill case)
ncdiff test/em_fire/two_fires/wrfout_d01_2006-01-01_10:00:00 OK
Distributed memory
configure, 15, nesting 1
- /glade/work/jmandel/merge/WRF-Fire-merge-with-develop-dm at 46b548370c9eff7c9
- /glade/work/jmandel/merge/WRF-Fire-merge-develop-dm at 33bf83c664426b2674
ncdiff test/em_fire/wrfout_d01_2006-01-01_09:06:00 OK (the default simple_hill case)
ncdiff test/em_fire/two_fires/wrfout_d01_2006-01-01_10:00:00 OK
Branch fuel_moisture_model at 46b548370c9eff7c9a8 and branch develop at 33bf83c664426b267452 give the same output files, except XLONG and XLAT which are now set in ideal.exe and the fuel moisture variables, which do not exist in branch develop, and are not in registry packages yet.
There is a small but statistically significant difference in variable FIRE_SMOKE between 1 processor with debugging on and 16 processors optimized, relative difference up to 0.013. The difference is exactly the same with or without the fuel moisture model.
Comparison of netcdf files done by https://github.com/openwfm/wrf-fire-matlab/blob/b5f918af9127ca9335b5ac8d32dd3c5d7769a9db/netcdf/ncdiff.m
Update the pull request commit message DONE
https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/pull/792#issuecomment-579035015 there should be 15 files modified
Done, https://github.com/wrf-model/WRF/pull/792#issuecomment-582208931
km_opt=5 fix now in the develop branch, merge DONE
- /glade/u/home/jmandel/merge/WRF-Fire-merge-base-dm tag fuel-moisture-model-base-dec10-2019 at f9559af4b8a835f71 vs. /glade/u/home/jmandel/merge/WRF-Fire-merge-with-develop-dm branch fuel-moisture-model-merged-with-develop at 46b548370c9eff7c9
- /glade/u/home/jmandel/merge/WRF-Fire-merge-base-dm/test/em_fire/rain/ vs /glade/u/home/jmandel/merge/WRF-Fire-merge-with-develop-dm/test/em_fire/rain: no change with np=16
Done at 46b548370c9eff7c9
Fire group comments
Registry package using fmoist_run variable DONE
Had to do also fmoist_interp, which activates interpolation and mixing. This is most useful for the case when FMC_GC is given in wrfinput but the fuel moisture model model does not run.
Testing the FMM does not run: A. fmoist_run=false fmoist_interp=false (default): /glade/work/jmandel/merge/WRF-Fire-merge-with-develop-dm/test/em_fire/two_fires/wrfout_d01_2006-01-01_10:00:00 at 46b548370c9eff7c9a8bb7 B. /glade/work/jmandel/merge/WRF-Fire-merge-package-interp-dm/test/em_fire/two_fires/wrfout_d01_2006-01-01_10:00:00 at d564d7da21e33eaec9f B same result as A.
Testing when FMM runs: C. fmoist_run=true fmoist_interp=true: /glade/work/jmandel/merge/WRF-Fire-merge-with-develop-dm/test/em_fire/rain/wrfout_d01_0001-01-01_00:00:000 at 46b548370c9eff7c9a8bb7 D. fmoist_run=true fmoist_interp=true: /glade/work/jmandel/merge/WRF-Fire-merge-package-interp-dm/test/em_fire/rain/wrfout_d01_0001-01-01_00:00:00 at d564d7da21e33eaec9fd3ef D same result as C
Testing when FMM runs partially: E. fmoist_run=true fmoist_interp=false: /glade/work/jmandel/merge/WRF-Fire-merge-package-interp-dm/test/em_fire/rain2 runs OK F. fmoist_run=false fmoist_interp=true: /glade/work/jmandel/merge/WRF-Fire-merge-package-interp-dm/test/em_fire/rain3 runs OK G. fmoist_run=false fmoist_interp=false: /glade/work/jmandel/merge/WRF-Fire-merge-package-interp-dm/test/em_fire/rain4 runs OK
Perhaps remove fmoist_freq and just leave fmoist_dt IN PROGRESS
Good idea; we use fmoist_dt mostly anyway. However, this close to the release I would prefer to make only truly necessary changes; any change at this point makes it necessary to repeat the testing.
Fixed dt only ANSWERED
In module_fr_fire_driver.F, there is a comment about “time – assume dt does not change”. Is that true or does the FFM work also with time varying dt?
Currently the time keeping supports fixed time step only.
Does the FFM work with restart? DONE
Testing restart capability to commit d564d7da21e33eaec9 of repository https://github.com/openwfm/WRF-Fire-merge/tree/fuel-moisture-model. The test consists of comparing WRF-SFIRE results at the same time step running the simulation with and without restart option. The test is performed using:
- HS - Simple hill experiment in serial: /glade/u/home/angelfc/project/merge/fuel-moisture-model-angel/test/em_fire/hill
- HP - Simple hill experiment in parallel: /glade/u/home/angelfc/project/merge/fuel-moisture-model-angel_mpi/test/em_fire/hill
- RS - Rain experiment in serial: /glade/u/home/angelfc/project/merge/fuel-moisture-model-angel/test/em_fire/rain
- RP - Rain experiment in parallel: /glade/u/home/angelfc/project/merge/fuel-moisture-model-angel_mpi/test/em_fire/rain
The results using ncdiff.m routine are:
- HS: base/wrfout_d01_0001-01-01_01:00:00 vs restart/wrfout_d01_0001-01-01_01:00:00 - all p-values are 0.
- HP: base/wrfout_d01_0001-01-01_01:00:00 vs restart/wrfout_d01_0001-01-01_01:00:00 - all p-values are 0.
- RS: base/wrfrst_d01_0001-01-01_08:00:00 vs restart/wrfrst_d01_0001-01-01_08:00:00 - all p-values are 0.
- RP: base/wrfrst_d01_0001-01-01_08:00:00 vs restart/wrfrst_d01_0001-01-01_08:00:00 - all p-values are 0.
Also testing parallelism:
- HS vs HP: restart/wrfout_d01_0001-01-01_01:00:00 vs restart/wrfout_d01_0001-01-01_01:00:00 - all p-values are 0 except for the variable fire_smoke.
- RS vs RP: restart/wrfrst_d01_0001-01-01_08:00:00 vs restart/wrfrst_d01_0001-01-01_08:00:00 - all p-values are 0 except for the variables MIN_PTCHSZ and fire_smoke.
For more details, look at test_restart.log in each respective folder and test_parallel.log at each respective parallel folder. (base is called prerestart in those files)
Maybe have a better look at what happened in those parallel cases? See also Distributed memory above.
Fire_ifun_end IN PROGRESS
- The call to fire_driver_em() has now fire_ifun_end = 2, where it used to be 3. According to the code comments in module_fr_fire_driver.F, fire_ifun_end = 3 has to do with initialization of time step. Is that skipped now or embedded within fire_ifun_end = 2?
You are referring to the line https://github.com/openwfm/WRF-Fire-merge/blob/d564d7da21e33eaec9fd3ef235cb74a8ec48edd5/phys/module_fr_fire_driver_wrf.F#L51 where subroutine fire_driver_em is called with the argument fire_ifun_end = 2. However initialization is done in passes ifun=1 to ifun = 2, and the time step itself is pass 3 to 6. The repository shows I changed 2 to 3 in 73fcb8565fa104c on Sep 6 2010 with the comment "interpolate winds atm2fire in init". Apparently I wanted the winds interpolated to the fire mesh at the beginning of the first time step for some reason. The value fire_ifun_end = 3 got in the WRF repository in cd867781f4 on Dec 30 2010 and stayed there since then.
Fuel classes initialized for a real case ANSWERED
- How are the fuel classes initialized for a real case? It seems that the FM values are prescribed from the solution of the fuel moisture model? Could you document/explain that?
The variables FMC_GC and FMEP are assumed by WRF to be set in wrfinput. This is done in WPS, outside of the scope of this PR. We set them by running a version of the model in Python with RAWS data assimilation ( https://github.com/openwfm/wrfxpy/blob/master/rtma_cycler.sh ). This is at the moment done through GEOGRID ( https://github.com/openwfm/wrfxpy/blob/master/tests/fmda_geogrid.json ). As we discussed last summer, METGRID is more appropriate for that purpose. It would also allow us to input several time levels of FMC_GC and FMEP so that is definitely the plan. The FMEP variable containts modified parameters from RAWS data assimilation.