Merging WPS

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(Redirected from Upgrading WPS)
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Issue description

Our custom version of WPS is based on WPS 3.x and the wrfinput files it produces are no longer compatible with current WRF. Also, its geotiff support is not compatible with current geotiff files from LANDFIRE. Consequently we can't run with WRF4+ or update our geographical databases.


Clone WPS and add wrf-fire repository as a branch

git clone
cd WPS
git remote add wrf-fire
git fetch
git fetch wrf-fire
git checkout -b wrf-fire-track/master wrf-fire/master
git checkout -b wrf-fire-track/wps3.4 wrf-fire/wps3.4

Compare WPS versions

git checkout wrf-fire-track/wps3.4
git checkout HEAD^
HEAD is now at 5e1819bd WPS update to version 3.3.1
cp -a WPS ../wps3.3.1
git checkout RELEASE-3-3-1
HEAD is now at bedb19c7 tagging 3.3.1 release
 diff -r -x .git . ../wps3.3.1
Only in .: test_suite
Only in ./util: make_regression_data.tar
Only in ./util: regtest_wps.csh
Only in ./util: wps_reg.html
Only in ./util: wps_reg_html_maker.csh
Only in ./util: zap_reg.csh


mkdir wrf-fire-wps-filtered 
cd wrf-fire-wps-filtered
git clone --bare github:/openwfm/wrf-fire.git .git
git config --bool core.bare false
git reset --hard
git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter WPS --tag-name-filter cat -- --all

Now the top level directory has the contents of the WPS subdirectory only and files outside of WPS subdirectory are stripped from all commits. All branches that touch WPS are kept.

git remote add filtered
git push filtered --mirror


Fork as then

git clone
cd WPS-merge
git remote add filtered
git fetch filtered
git checkout -b wrf-fire-filtered/master filtered/master
git checkout -b wrf-fire-filtered/jb/wps filtered/jb/wps
git push -u origin --all

Notable branches and tags