Difference between revisions of "User:Jmandel/chem"

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similar code in
similar code in
chem/module_add_emiss_burn.F:            chem(i,k,j,p_smoke)  =  chem(i,k,j,p_smoke)+ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_co)*conv_rho
chem/module_add_emiss_burn.F:            chem(i,k,j,p_smoke)  =  chem(i,k,j,p_smoke)+ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_co)*conv_rho
defined in
./inc/scalar_indices.inc:  P_smoke = 1 ; F_smoke = .FALSE.

Revision as of 03:55, 25 November 2012

Coupling with WRF-Chem

Tracer accessed as grid%tracer(i,k,j,p_smoke) real,intent(inout),dimension( ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme,num_tracer ) :: tracer from use module_state_description , only: num_tracer, p_smoke which has INTEGER, PARAMETER :: tracer_smoke = 1 similar code in chem/module_add_emiss_burn.F: chem(i,k,j,p_smoke) = chem(i,k,j,p_smoke)+ebu(i,k,j,p_ebu_co)*conv_rho defined in ./inc/scalar_indices.inc: P_smoke = 1 ; F_smoke = .FALSE.