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This file serves to redefine the fuel categories if the user wishes to alter default fuel properties.

Variable name Description
&fuel_scalars Scalar fuel constants, common to all fuel categories.
cmbcnst The energy released per unit fuel burned for cellulosic fuels (constant, 1.7433e7 J kg-1).
hfgl The threshold heat flux from a surface fire at which point a canopy fire is ignited above (in W m-2).
fuelmc_g Surface fuel, fuel moisture content (kg/kg, between 0.00 and 1.00).
fuelmc_c Canopy fuel, fuel moisture content (kg/kg, between 0.00 and 1.00).
nfuelcats Number of fuel categories defined (default: 13)
no_fuel_cat The first fuel category to be ignored and taken as ‘no fuel’ (default: 14)
no_fuel_cat2 The last fuel category to be ignored and taken as ‘no fuel’ (default: 14). That is, all fuel with categories between no_fuel_cat and no_fuel_cat2 is ignored. Fuel with category 0 is also always ignored.
&fuel_categories One number per fuel category.
windrf Wind reduction factor from 20ft to midflame height (1)
fgi The initial mass loading of surface fuel (kg m-2) in each fuel category
fueldepthm Fuel depth (m)
savr Fuel Surface-area-to-volume-ratio (ft-1)
fuelmce Fuel moisture content of extinction (kg/kg, from 0.00 – 1.00).
fueldens Fuel particle density lb ft-3 (32 if solid, 19 if rotten)
st Fuel particle total mineral content. (kg minerals/kg wood)
se Fuel particle effective mineral content. (kg minerals – kg silica)/kg wood
weight Weighting parameter that determines the slope of the mass loss curve. This can range from about 5 (fast burnup) to 1000 ( 40% decrease in mass over 10 minutes).
fci_d Initial dry mass loading of canopy fuel (in kg m-2)
fct The burnout time of canopy fuel once ignited (s)
ichap Is this a chaparral category to be treated differently using an empirical rate of spread relationship that depends only on windspeed
1: yes, this is a chaparral category and should be treated differently
0: no, this is not a chaparral category or should not be treated differently.
Primarily used for Fuel Category 4.
fmc_gw01 The proportion of the fuel that is in moisture class 1 (between 0.0 and 1.0)
fmc_gw02 The proportion of the fuel that is in moisture class 2, etc. up to 5. The proportions should add up to 1.
&moisture The fuel moisture model namelist.
moisture_classes Number of moisture classes, at most 5. Each fuel consists of a mixture of moisture classes. Following are one number per class.
drying_model number of the drying model used in each class. At the moment only model 1 is supported. Model parameters follow for each class.
drying_lag hours it takes to get 64% closer to a equilibrium moisture contents
wetting_model number of the wetting model used in each class. At the moment only model 1 is supported. Model parameters follow for each class.
wetting_lag hours of very strong rain it takes to get 64% closer to saturation
saturation_moisture the maximal fuel moisture contents (in kg/kg, default 2.5)
saturation_rain rain intensity (mm/h) such that the rate of soaking is at 64% of wetting_lag
rain_treshold rain under this intensity (mm/h) does not count
fmc_gc_initialization moisture initialization 0 = from WRF input (files wrfinput or wrfrst), 1 = from scalar fuelmc_g in namelist.input 2 = from equilibrium