How to create a WRF HTML browser
To create a WRF HTML browser, one can use a perl script to convert fortran source files into a hyperlinked web site, f90tohtml.
The three HTML browsers WRFV4 master branch, wrf-fire master branch, and WRF-Fire-merge fuel-moisture-model branch, are created in Kingspeak in /uufs/ They are created following the next steps:
1) Download the source code using
2) Untar downloaded file, and access to the folder
tar -xvf f90tohtml-1.12.tar.gz cd f90tohtml
3) Modify $path_f90tohtml variable in f90tohtml file with the path to f90tohtml directory. Run
command, if necessary.
4) Give permission to f90tohtml file using
chmod u+x f90tohtml
5) Add this previous path to f90tohtml folder to the general path. For instance, using
export PATH=/path/to/f90tohtml:$PATH
6) Modify perl path in the first line of f90tohtml file. Run
which perl
to see your perl path.
7) Get WRF code in a path which we are going to name WRF_PATH.
8) Access nwp_codes folder:
cd wp_codes
9) Modify $the_path variable with the previous WRF_PATH in file.
10) Run
to create the proper .ls files in wrf_ls.
11) Modify $dir_html variable in wrf file with a path where is going to be created the hyperlinked web site. Note that it is necessary to finish the path with '/' character. One can also modify the title of the web browser modifying $contents_title variable in the same file.
12) Run
f90tohtml wrf.f2h
This will generate all the HTML files and subfolders with HTML files necessary to have a WRF browser inside the path specified.